Preventing inflammation around your gums starts with your at home oral hygiene routine. Gum disease or periodontitis is a gum infection that damages the soft tissue, and can destroy the bone if not treated promptly.
Gum disease is a slow process and can advance in same cases before you notice there is an issue. The advancement process is typically painless, and attending your regular exams in our office is key to making sure your gums and teeth are healthy.
Some things that you can do to prevent gum disease in your home includes:
Remember that daily oral hygiene helps to keep your teeth and mouth healthy and can prevent gum disease from developing! Brushing and flossing daily are ways to keep your mouth looking and feeling great, and also minimizes your risk for developing gum disease.
What if I Need a Gum Disease Specialist Near Me?
While you can do many things from home to stop gum disease there may be instances where you need professional help. If you are seeking a gum disease specialist near Mission, we can help!
When patients visit our dental office in Mission, TX we discuss your oral health we will recommend changes to your oral care routine at home if we see a need for improvement. Our highly trained staff can develop a personalized care program for you to follow at home.
Part of our cleaning and exam process is to perform a detailed evaluation of the gums. We will discuss both the health of your teeth and gums, and recommend treatment if necessary. Your oral health is our priority, and our staff is here to help keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Looking for a Dentist in Mission, TX?
If you are interested in making an appointment, or notice an issue with the health of your gums such as bleeding or irritation we encourage you to visit our office. Prevention is important, and treating symptoms early can help avoid more serious issues in the future.
To schedule your appointment please contact our dentists in Mission, TX, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.